Open Event in Ljubljana – 26.9.2018

Within the framework of the ERASMUS+ KA2 Project BENEFIT, an open event will be organized at the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering on 26.9.2018.
The program will consist of short presentations and a round table with relevant stakeholders: university and industry representatives, public authorities and students.

Place: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering – Ljubljana, 26.9. 2018, 10:00-12:00, Multimedijska dvorana


  • prof. dr. Matej Zajc, Univerza v Ljubljani: Erasmus + BENEFIT Open Day – Uvodni nagovor / Short introduction
  • prof. dr. Andrea Tonello, University of Klagenfurt: BENEFIT – Boosting the telecommunications engineer profile to meet modern society and industry needs – short project overview
  • Maja Dizdarević, Predstojnica, Karierni center Univerze v Ljubljani: (R)evolucija novih diplomantov za Industrijo 4.0 / (R)evolution of new graduates for Industry 4.0
  • Andreja Lampe, direktorica projektov, Gospodarska Zbornica Slovenije: Aktivnosti Gospodarske zbornice Slovenije na področju razvoja IKT kompetenc / ICT competence development @ Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia
  • Gašper Podobnik, Predsednik ŠSFE, Domen Kodrič, ŠSFE, Študentski svet kot dvosmerna povratna zanka med študenti in fakulteto / Student council as a bidirectional feedback loop between students and the faculty
  • Larisa Grizilo, Senior direktorica HR sektorja in korporativnih komunikacij, A1: Nad milenijce z (digitalno) palčko, (digitalnim) korenčkom ali z (digitalnim) čim drugim? / Engage millenials with (digital) carrot or (digital) stick or (digital) something else?
  • izr. prof. dr. Darko Huljenić, Ericsson Nikola Tesla, Ericsson Nikola Tesla Summer Camp – experience and challenges
  • Kratkim predstavitvam bo sledila diskusija / Short presentations will be followed by open discussion.